The Ashram as the house of Light gives comfort to all. It is the light in the cabin window that is seen afar off. Such is the vision of the Ashram that I hold and that does exist. – El Morya

Welcome Home, Enter and Explore

The Worldwide Ashram
A Spiritual Path with the Ascended Masters

Welcome to a spiritual path through the mystical teachings of the world’s religions and the inner contact with the great spiritual teachers. The Ashram is a place of great encounters.
Today our lives are filled with ever increasing polarities. Rather than focusing on what separates us, The Ashram focuses on what joins us together in a true-self fulfilling spiritual community. The Worldwide Ashram is an answer to the call of the soul, the call of God, the call of the deep need of humanity for transcendence and unity. Through meditations, invocations, and prayers, hearts linked worldwide can cast a planetary net of divine Love.

We are on a spiritual quest. Truth be told,  we have been on this path for many lifetimes. We seek the Philosophers Stone, the Grail, the Teacher, and the Kingdom of Heaven Within – the secret treasure of the heart. We seek the hidden mysteries and the key to the meaning of life. We begin to discern the Real from the false evidence life presents us.

Each of us is one point in the global antahkarana standing with all who are dedicated to the Eternal upon the foundation of the world’s great spiritual teachings. The Worldwide and Universal Ashram is the inter-connected mandala of hearts united in holy purpose. Rather than an outer organization, the Ashram is a constellation of individuals and groups serving under the banner of spiritual unfoldment through our ties to God, the spiritual Brotherhood and our service to humanity.

The Ashram – A Condition of Mind And Heart

The word Ashram resonates in the deep inner soul for many seekers. An Ashram is not just a special place; it is also a condition of mind and heart. The Sanskrit word Asrama means total pursuit, full dedication, tireless striving, stretching its arms towards perfection.

The Ashram is much more than a physical place, it is a state of consciousness where everything has a spiritual or sacred dimension. The spiritual seeker experiences this “Ashramic consciousness”, the gift of sensing the sacred dimension behind every situation, condition, nature, and in the eyes of all.

The Greatest Spiritual Mystery of Our Time

Why are we here?
What is the meaning of Life?
Can men and women transcend themselves and become masters of this matter universe?
Can we make our own personal ascension?

Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago the Ascended Masters made themselves known again to humanity. They beckon to us across time and space. “Come and find me.”

The Masters challenge us to rise and become the manifestation of the sacred fire within. The Masters have met that challenge and chose to remain with us as our teachers. They are the Saints, Sages, and Rishi’s that each religion honors.

The Masters are members of the Universal Brotherhood. This Brotherhood can be contacted. They are ahead of us as we ascend the path and their guidance helps us find our way. Together we work to manifest God’s will – the will of the Divine Logos – on earth, as indeed it is manifest in heaven. This Brotherhood is united in spiritual consciousness and provides the students a worldwide ashram.

We Are on a Spiritual Hero’s Journey

We are  searching  for enlightenment and the way back home.

The higher consciousness of spiritual seekers is accelerating. This journey towards meaning, enlightenment, and universal brotherhood is a sharply ascending path. It requires as much training on the inner as the climbers of Everest undertake on the outer. Seekers feel an internal focus as a pressure, as a spiritual guide, as a tangible spiritual Presence drawing them ever upwards and inwards to the very heart of life and its meaning.

This is the path to the Universal Ashram and the Great Encounter with humanity’s true teachers. The world is calling out for freedom. Earth is to become Freedom’s Star. It is time to forge the consciousness that can fulfill this fiery destiny.

If these thoughts resonate with you, you are already a member of the Brotherhood of Light whether you know it outwardly or not. You are not alone. Your brothers and sisters are searching for you, to fulfill together the destiny of Mankind.

You are a part of the world’s greatest story, the true spiritual history of this planet.

The Ascended Master El Morya invites you…

“Wayfarer, friend, let us travel together. Night is near, wild beasts are about, and our campfire may go out. But if we agree to share the night watch, we can conserve our forces.

Tomorrow our path will be long and we may become exhausted. Let us walk together. We shall have joy and festivity. I shall sing for you the song your mother, wife and sister sang. You will relate for me your father’s story about a hero and his achievements. Let our path be one… Traveler, be my friend.”
El Morya
New Era Community,  Agni Yoga series