Thoughts on the Massacre in Norway

We all feel a great sorrow for the tragic, tragic events in Norway.  This Anders Brievik apparently vowed to take revenge on “indigenous Europeans” for the betrayal of their heritage.  He is also supposed to be anti-Islamist.  His acts are very incongruous, as the acts of a madman are. But he did not target the objects of his hate.
Why didn’t he design his attack on something related to the European Union or a radical Islamist Mosque.  He did not. How are 90 children and youth in anyway responsible for anything he opposes other than being easy to kill with no hope of escape? His murderous intentions and actions are heinous wherever they are directed, and to target helpless children is especially hideous.
And now we see how very easily the grotesque and macabre will be used to further distort political realities.  Here in the USA, TSA training films now describe white, middle class Americans as the most likely source of terrorism.  And of course Christians are the most suspect group of all.  I predict this despicable act in Norway will provide the grist for endless calumnies against a restive  populace being herded  to the animal farm.
Whatever led this insane man to this act, he was the ultimate tool for the force of darkness on this planet.  I feel we will see the blood of the innocents used as a pretext for the further erosion of freedom and unbelievably, as an attack against the light and teaching of Christ.  Yet was it not Christ who taught “Whatever you do unto the least of these my brethren, you do unto Me.”?
But let the judgement of Christ awakening in every heart be upon the purveyors of illusion for the purposes of profit, control and power and  those who have placed ideology before Truth.  May God give to  all the light bearers upon this planet the discernment they need in the troubled times we live and the troubled times ahead. And most especially, may God receive these beautiful children, each one, into His infinite heart of love.
This is my prayer.
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