Elizabeth Clare Prophet answers the question, “What Is The Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness?” “We come stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness and we bow before the light of God within you. We come to serve that light, nourish that light, accelerate that light and help you to discover the energy that is […]

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Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness

Here are the words that lit the fire of spiritual transformation for thousands of people worldwide. Elizabeth Clare Prophet toured the USA in a bus, stopping in most major cities to share a dynamic vision of personal spiritual liberation that could widen into Soul Liberation for an entire planetary body. Learn more about the in […]

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Violet Flame Vigil To Change The World

The violet flame is the highest frequency of the light spectrum. The Worldwide Ashram is inviting people around the world to meditate, visualize and decree using the violet flame to change conditions around the world. Violet Flame Transmutation The violet flame has the ability to transmute negative energy, manifest or unmanifest, into positive, life generating […]

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Violet Flame Vigil to change the world

The violet flame is the highest frequency of the light spectrum. The Worldwide Ashram is inviting people around the world to meditate, visualize and decree using the violet flame to change conditions around the world. Violet Flame Transmutation The violet flame has the ability to transmute negative energy, manifest or unmanifest, into positive, life generating […]

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Reporting Foundations For Spiritual Change

Welcome to the Worldwide Ashram blog.  This is a sounding board and information center for spiritual seekers around the world building communities one open heart at a time – or just looking for techniques to make life at home and work more meaningful, rewarding, and joyous.

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Welcome to the Worldwide Ashram blog.  This is a sounding board and information center for spiritual seekers around the world building communities one open heart at a time – or just looking for techniques to make life at home and work more meaningful, rewarding, and joyous.

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