Spiritual Transformation
Saint Patrick – What a Great Soul
He wrote in his famous ‘Confession’ that, starting at the age of 16, after he was kidnapped and forced onto a pirate ship, “I reached Ireland, where I used to pasture the flock each day and I used to pray many times a day.
The Spiritual Crisis of the Twenty-first Century
William van Dusen Wishard explained the Jungian perspective. “What Jung sees happening in our era is that the Self, the central archetype of order and meaning has been activated in the collective unconscious. And when the Self becomes activated, it means a change in the collective world view…a new God image, a new relationship to the Divine.”
George Washington on Politics and Spirituality
Election Year in America. Now is the time to look at what could work in our country and what is not working. Here is what Our Founding Father thought. He is worth listening to. “Do not let any one claim to be a true American if they ever attempt to remove religion from […]
Emerging from the Shadows: Science,Spirituality, and the Future
Underlying the dogma and fundamentalism of the materialistic perspective lays an unseen specter. “Nihilism stands at the door,” wrote Nietzsche. “Whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?” I will answer: from the ideological preserve of materialism and the custodians of the soulless society, self-appointed engineers whose unconscionable arrogance, nonaccountability and irresistible will for power and control has inevitably, historically, led to the decline of culture, the loss of individual freedom and the suffocation of the human spirit. (More on this in future articles)
El Morya’s Gift of the Worldwide Ashram
Some friends have asked me about ‘where I am at’ these days. By way of answering, I’d like to do some sharing here on the Worldwide Ashram site, where a number of us have found a spiritual meeting place, a place that really feels like home! Well, as ‘homelike’ anyway as this temporal earthly way station […]
Awakening to the Fire of Reality
Awakening To The Fire Of Our Reality “Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.” —Elizabeth Barrett Browning Moses met the Eternal God in the burning bush. When Moses asked His Name, He said, […]
A Stronger Spiritual Caravan
A caravan crossing the trackless wastes is stronger when the company is many although each may have a separate mission, an individual interest, and at the end of the journey each may pursue a different course. -Morya: Letter of April 1, 1952 to Mrs. Ballard of I AM Activity and to the heads of the Theosophical Society, […]
Violet Flame Vigil To Change The World
The violet flame is the highest frequency of the light spectrum. The Worldwide Ashram is inviting people around the world to meditate, visualize and decree using the violet flame to change conditions around the world. Violet Flame Transmutation The violet flame has the ability to transmute negative energy, manifest or unmanifest, into positive, life generating […]