Spiritual History
Super Bowl’s Sympathy for the Devil
Something wicked this way comes- in America’s Super Bowl? The most watched TV program in world and the crucible for the famed Super Bowl ads which, we are told, is a pulse-point for pop culture and innovation. That bill of goods may be the biggest marketing scam of them all. During the Super Bowl, Mercedes […]
Redemption of Genocide and Hate- a True Story
The world tells us new stories of hate every day. It is not everyday that you hear a story of redemption-sheer, miraculous redemption. This is one man’s story about how hate and murder can be turned around. “That night, over a dinner of rice and goat, several of us joined in conversation. The Rwandan […]
The Count of Saint Germain, Sir Francis Bacon and the Supernova
The comet would announce a presence of “a marvelous being… who as yet lives not, and who shall reveal many things.” This being would be a master of all arts, bearing three divine gifts to change the face of the world.
Prophecies of comets, stars and rarely gifted beings did not ring as strangely in the ears of Elizabethans as they do in our ears today. (And we, in our time, do not treat them as scornfully as did our brothers 50 years ago.) Just who this great master of all arts would be only the gods in heaven could know for certain, but the one man of that time who came closest to fulfilling Paracelsus’ prophecy was our man of mystery, Francis Bacon.
George Washington on Politics and Spirituality
Election Year in America. Now is the time to look at what could work in our country and what is not working. Here is what Our Founding Father thought. He is worth listening to. “Do not let any one claim to be a true American if they ever attempt to remove religion from […]
Reconsecration of America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
For peace is a pillar of fire that is thrust as a sword in the very midst of Communist territory….Blessed ones, Medjugorje has become as a figure-eight flow where so many hearts give attention to me that the light may descend as judgment.
Brave New World of the Ethically Impaired
I believe philosophical materialism is the rationale of the authoritarian character that, according to psychiatrist Eric Fromm, loves to limit human freedom and rob people of their humanity. He writes, “Authoritarian philosophy is essentially relativistic and nihilistic… it leads to the denial of life.” At its core, it is irrational and anti-intellectual. This is why the materialistic view, which is inherently authoritarian, cannot co-exist with any other perspective or belief system. To do so would disempower the anti-life matrix which sustains it.
Emerging from the Shadows: Science,Spirituality, and the Future
Underlying the dogma and fundamentalism of the materialistic perspective lays an unseen specter. “Nihilism stands at the door,” wrote Nietzsche. “Whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?” I will answer: from the ideological preserve of materialism and the custodians of the soulless society, self-appointed engineers whose unconscionable arrogance, nonaccountability and irresistible will for power and control has inevitably, historically, led to the decline of culture, the loss of individual freedom and the suffocation of the human spirit. (More on this in future articles)
The Soul of Saint Francis and the Master Kuthumi
Today is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, the spiritual reformer of the Catholic Church. Saint Francis created a revolution in spirituality and guided people to purity, the acceptance of poverty rather than the pursuit of power and authority, and the pursuit of a truly Christ like life for all Christians. Francis created […]
New Proofs of Nuclear War in Ancient India
The father of the atomic bomb stated that the first atomic test at Alamagordo was the first atomic explosion ” in modern times.” Interested in what he was referring to? Check out this evidence.
Freedom for Souls of Light Rising
Happy Independence Day Souls of Light! The celebration of the American Independence Day on July 4th is truly a spark of freedom that is fanning into a world wide flame during this transition of the ages. Freedom is rising in many countries around the world. And with that freedom comes the reinforcement of the freedom […]