individual and society
Brave New World of the Ethically Impaired
I believe philosophical materialism is the rationale of the authoritarian character that, according to psychiatrist Eric Fromm, loves to limit human freedom and rob people of their humanity. He writes, “Authoritarian philosophy is essentially relativistic and nihilistic… it leads to the denial of life.” At its core, it is irrational and anti-intellectual. This is why the materialistic view, which is inherently authoritarian, cannot co-exist with any other perspective or belief system. To do so would disempower the anti-life matrix which sustains it.
Emerging from the Shadows: Science,Spirituality, and the Future
Underlying the dogma and fundamentalism of the materialistic perspective lays an unseen specter. “Nihilism stands at the door,” wrote Nietzsche. “Whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?” I will answer: from the ideological preserve of materialism and the custodians of the soulless society, self-appointed engineers whose unconscionable arrogance, nonaccountability and irresistible will for power and control has inevitably, historically, led to the decline of culture, the loss of individual freedom and the suffocation of the human spirit. (More on this in future articles)
Some Thoughts On Aquarian Community
The future is now. There is extraordinary power and dynamism in community; it is a new era. Old structures and assumptions are being reexamined. Change is in the air. The implications of individual communities as cells creating world change, which are in turn created by individuals actively, fully, participating and contributing their unique gifts, in an atmosphere of freedom to their respective communities are profound
A Spiritual Solution for a Spiritual Crisis
I would like to add a comment on the entry regarding the massacre of the innocents in Norway. We see many events taking place in the world and feel powerless against them. But this powerlessness is the result of the projections of those who seek control for their fear of freedom. I am immediately reminded […]
A New Keynote in Times of Transition
As Dannion Brinkley says, ” If God could not be here today, and He sent you, what difference has God made?” We are our brothers and sister’s keepers. Hold a hand, soothe a heart, bake bread, weed a garden, make tea, take someone to an errand, and be the difference.
Security Versus Personal Liberty
The latest public upset over recent TSA security implementations underscores the inherent tension between the need of the individual for freedom and the state for absolute control. At the founding of the United States, our security was at an all time low with Britain, the world’s superpower of the time, still desiring to hold the […]