American Culture
Super Bowl’s Sympathy for the Devil
Something wicked this way comes- in America’s Super Bowl? The most watched TV program in world and the crucible for the famed Super Bowl ads which, we are told, is a pulse-point for pop culture and innovation. That bill of goods may be the biggest marketing scam of them all. During the Super Bowl, Mercedes […]
El Morya on how Beauty will save the World
El Morya Glory to the Hero. Diptych. 1933; by Nicholas Roerich Nicholas Roerich “Whosoever proclaims Beauty shall be saved! …” “Remember, Art is the one vital medium of the coming culture. Through Beauty will you approach.” El Morya from Agni Yoga Society Here is a great article from our friends at Reverse Spins on […]
George Washington on Politics and Spirituality
Election Year in America. Now is the time to look at what could work in our country and what is not working. Here is what Our Founding Father thought. He is worth listening to. “Do not let any one claim to be a true American if they ever attempt to remove religion from […]
Reconsecration of America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
For peace is a pillar of fire that is thrust as a sword in the very midst of Communist territory….Blessed ones, Medjugorje has become as a figure-eight flow where so many hearts give attention to me that the light may descend as judgment.
Thoughts on Emerging from the Shadow
All genuine spiritual practice plays into the Awakening, and people in every faith are experiencing this like never before. The photons of light and enlightenment are onrushing….
I do not presume to understand the fullness of this process. I only know it is observable, verifiable and wonderful to behold in its varied manifestations. For me the whole blessed phenomenon takes a prominent place on the shelf of Holy Mystery.
Emerging from the Shadows: Science,Spirituality, and the Future
Underlying the dogma and fundamentalism of the materialistic perspective lays an unseen specter. “Nihilism stands at the door,” wrote Nietzsche. “Whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?” I will answer: from the ideological preserve of materialism and the custodians of the soulless society, self-appointed engineers whose unconscionable arrogance, nonaccountability and irresistible will for power and control has inevitably, historically, led to the decline of culture, the loss of individual freedom and the suffocation of the human spirit. (More on this in future articles)
A Story of the Spirit of American Culture and Art
In 1943, during the Second World War, Norman Rockwell painted the Four Freedoms series. (In addition to Freedom from Want were Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Worship, and Freedom from Fear). That same year a fire in his studio destroyed numerous original paintings. Norman Rockwell’s works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States for […]
India’s past: A mirror for America’s Future
Following up on the thread concerning security and liberty in the context of the TSA airport security, it is good to recall the protections guaranteed by America’s founding documents, notably “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” […]